
Showing posts from May, 2017

PE Reflection

We're finally coming to the end of a crazy semester! Here were my revised goals from the middle of the semester: 1. Improve conversational fluency! I am hoping to go to Japan this summer, so I need to become much more comfortable having simple conversations without pausing to think through grammar for every sentence. 2. Listen to pitch! A recurring comment is that I still make pitch errors in my speech, so I need to work on that. 3. Vocabulary! I need to learn many, many more words to expand what I can talk about. For 1, I can definitely say that I have gotten better at speaking and more comfortable in simple conversations, but there is still a lot of work to do. I said I wanted to go to the Japanese language table once a week, but I haven't been able to: I'm going to fix that! Every Monday for the rest of the semester, I will be at the Whitman language table to practice before I go to PII. For 2, I still need to improve my pitch. I still need to make it to office hours to...


みなさん、ゆめがあるんですか。もちろんたくさんあります。でも、私はすごく大きいゆめがありますよ。子供の時から、物理学のけんきゅう者になりたいです。大学を卒業したら、大学院に行きたいです。そこでプラズマの物理学を勉強したいです。 プリンストンに有名なプラズマのラボがあるけど、たぶんプリンストンの大学院生になります。プラズマはとても面白いですよ。プラズマの核融合(nuclear fusion)が上手になったら、クリインエネルギーがあるんだけど、プラズマは重要ですね。勉強が大変だけど、いつも頑張ります!