こんにちは!Now that we're halfway through the semester, it's time to re-evaluate my goals for Japanese learning. I posted earlier that I wanted to learn ひらがな and カタカナ as soon as possible - mission accomplished! Now it's just all about かんじ, and I'm making good progress using WaniKani to help me study. My progress in speaking is a little bit harder to gauge:

1. Fluid speech - I want to sound as much like a native speaker as possible. This is difficult when we are learning the formal register of the Tokyo dialect first, but that doesn't mean I can't work on fluidity and speaking speed. I have gone to a couple language tables, but I have decided that I want to go once a week from now on so that I can improve my speed and ease of conversation.

2. Rhythm and intonation - It's one thing to sound "fluid" in my opinion, and another for a native speaker to think I sound right. I want to improve my rhythm and intonation by shadowing a full scene from anime or some other Japanese media at least twice a week. I will come to office hours at least every other week so that しばた先生 can help by correcting me.

3. Incorporation of larger vocabulary - I am currently very comfortable with a small range of vocab words in several different contexts. Even though I recognize all of the words we have learned, it is much more difficult for me to implement them as I construct sentences on the fly. I will try to incorporate each week's vocabulary into the conversations I have at the weekly language table and study the new words for at least fifteen minutes every day.

Alright, here we go. Wish me luck!



  1. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun learning Japanese! I also struggle with tone and high/low pitches. I like your idea of shadowing an anime scene. It sounds like it'll be an enjoyable way to practice Japanese without having to sit down and crack open your textbook for an hour or two. I hope you continue to work hard in your Japanese studies.

    1. Another great way to study is WaniKani, a website for spaced repetition of kanji. It's important to break up the textbook monotony with some fun every once in a while.

  2. You are very hardworking!I'm sure your Japanese will improve soon because you have a clear studying plan ^^がんばって!


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